Once again, after an extended period of time, I’m back to blog writing. Despite really enjoying the couple of months I managed to weekly blog, I’ve found myself in a bit of a slog. Almost like I’ve put myself on pause waiting for something to press the play button again. It isn’t what I want, nor do I believe it’s healthy at a time where I’m applying for placements and have assignments due and yet here I am.
It’s ironic, I have multiple posts on motivation and celebration, but now all my effort had gone into doing the most during the first lockdown, coming out of one, and then being thrown back in has hit me alot more than I expected. So long are the times where I’d get up early, have multiple posts and an online course done before the morning was finished. In simple terms, the second lockdown has got be questioning what I’m doing and not what can I get done.
With that all out in the open, I blogging in the hopes this kick starts me into starting the best version of myself back up again, whilst acknowledging whatever I’ve been feeling over the past month and a half is completely normal.
Goals. I’m going back to setting myself weekly goals. Daily goals. Hourly goals. I’ve never realised how good goals are until you haven’t set any and your aimlessly staring at your computer screen deciding whether the assignment that’s due in 2 weeks really needs to be started now (it does.) So writing down my goals of what I want completed by the end of the week, day or hour is my starting point.
I'm also cracking down on my exercise. I am wanting to do some sort of exercise everyday in or outdoors for my mental health. I’ve always found that I’m more motivated and ready to start the day after doing some exercise and so why not carry that on? Why not filter it into my daily routine so that the endorphins floating around make me set for the day. I’m going running 2/3 times a week which is my favourite thing to do, and gives me time to think about life and what the current state of the country means for the dreamy 2021 everyones been talking about since last March (the pandemic was only supposed to be like a 3 month thing, right?)
Finally, I’m back posting. I’m not exactly sure yet, but I’ve always said that my blog is a bit of everything, so I might just make it that. I really like the idea of 5 minute max reads. Not only does it relive some pressure on my end, but it’s also quick reads for people with a few minutes spare. Whether people read of not, I’ll be posting, blogging is as much for me as it is for those reading.
To getting my mojo back.